PHP 8 Nullsafe Operator

Pretty soon PHP8 will be mandatory all over the web. Today we’ll look at the Nullsafe operator to reduce a few lines of code. Instead of null check conditions, you can now use a chain of calls with the new nullsafe operator. When the evaluation of one element in the chain fails, the execution of […]

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Don’t Pee In My WordPress

You get a brand new WordPress site installed. You get your theme installed along with a few plugins. Everything is ready to go and then you start creating content. Then you look at your page and all the styling and there are paragraph tags everywhere. You might be thinking What did I do? The realty […]

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The website is nearing completion Time to battle test the theme and make sure all is ready for the masses With over 100 sites up and running from our Alpha test run Major Fortune 500 Companies starting major projects We couldn’t have expected such a great response Can’t wait any more? Feel free to reach […]

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